Random brainwaves

Collection of random brainwaves written down in haste and without any effort. Mostly about linux, *bsd or programming.

published 2023-02-15 14:02:34 Wednesday

I Hate Javascript And Npm

For the past few years I’ve tried to avoid everything to do with javascript, node, npm, typescript and so on. This is not really because of how the language Javascript is built or how the transpiler Typescript works. The reason I really really hate it all is the way developers care nothing at all about stability, backwards portability and being able to use something for a long time.

If I maintain a project I really don’t want to have to update 250 packages every week. I want to update things as rarely as possible. “Oh but what about security?” and “What about these new cool features?” - I really don’t care!

On the note of security; Do people actually believe that you updating to a newer version makes you safe?

If I write a piece of code to solve a problem I want the same piece of code to run in the same way in 10 years. That is possible when writing stuff in C, C++, Go, V and many many other languages. It has nothing to do with them being typed or compiled, it’s about mentality of the developers.

Please people, grow up. Code changes should not crash everything for everyone else and stop chasing new cool features and focus on stability instead.

Written by Sarmonsiill ( sarmonsiill[_AT_]tilde.guru )

Tags: npm, javascript, node